Author Archives: crystal

How to Deal with an Arrest

how to post bail in los angeles

A lot of people pride themselves on knowing exactly what they need and when they need to do it. By knowing what steps need to be taken next, people are better able to prepare for each one. This also enables a person to relax since they know what to expect. While this is nice, there […]

What Counts as Hit and Run in California?

California Hit and Run Laws

  Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more tolerable than dealing with a car accident. Car accidents can range anywhere from a mild fender bender, to full-on wrecks. At the low end of the spectrum, car accidents are a nuisance, at the […]

Needing Bail Wasn’t a Part of the Plan

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Bailing someone out of jail is not a task that anyone ever really plans on doing. Most people operate under the belief that they will never need to bail a friend or family out of jail. While that may be the case for some people, not everyone is so lucky. Some people receive the unfortunate […]

How Eggs Can Get a Person into Trouble

Vandalism and Egging

Somewhere back in history, thousands of years ago, humans decided to start eating eggs. They have been enjoyed worldwide ever since. The food has become such a breakfast staple, that it can be found in pretty much every refrigerator in America. Due to this fact, most people have easy access to the little morsels. When […]