Monthly Archives: November 2023

Do Not Let Jail Ruin the Holiday Fun


Holiday reunions, not much can get more exciting than them. You cannot wait for that annual get-together with your lifelong friends, eating, drinking, reminiscing on old memories, and making new ones. Year after year, it has been a tradition and a full feast. This year will be no different. We know you are old enough […]

Did You Suddenly Find Yourself in Need of Bail Help?


The thought of bailing someone out of jail is not one that crosses a person’s mind unless they suddenly find themselves needing to bail out a loved one. This is usually due to the fact that people don’t want to even imagine the idea that someone they know might get arrested. While this may work […]

We Offer 0% Down for Qualified Clients


Often times, the hardest part about bailing someone out of jail is finding the money to do so. A loved one’s arrest usually comes without warning, which makes it hard to come up with the necessary funds. This puts people in the tough spot of wanting to bail their loved one out of jail as […]

The 5 Most Common Bail Questions


For most people, bailing someone out of jail is a strange new experience. This is due to the fact that no one ever really plans on needing bail, so they never learn about it. Luckily, the professionals here at Absolute Bail Bonds are more than willing to help out. They are always ready and willing […]

Is Mental Illness an Acceptable Reason for Committing a Crime


The phrase, mental illness, seems to have started cropping up a lot in criminal cases. There’s a reason for this. For the first time, we finally understand different types of mental illnesses and how these conditions can lead to some people doing things, including committing violent crimes, that they wouldn’t otherwise have done. As the […]

Don’t Leave the Scene of an Accident Too Soon

hit and run laws

Nobody ever wants to be in a car accident, even a minor one. A small accident could put a bump or ding on a person’s vehicle, while larger ones can result in severe injuries and even death. Due to this fact, people are afraid of getting in accidents, and rightfully so. No one wants to […]