Austism Speaks

Austism Speaks

November 12, 2011 was a great day for Autism Speaks, a foundation dedicated to helping families effected by Autism with financial and emotional support as well as raising funds for research on autism. This was such a fun and educational experience andI was so glad to be part of it. Myself and friends, including one of our Victorville bail agents, Missy, met at Angel Stadium in Santa Ana, CA, to be part of Walk Now, a walk to raise funds for Autism Speaks.
Arriving early on the cold, rainy morning, we had a chance to speak with some of the sponsors as well listen to some of the facts regarding Autism. Additionally some of the kids that performed different dances and songs. It was astonishing to see so many people and corporations taking part in this charitable event.

The walk itself consisted of a couple times around the field, where they had the dugouts open for pictures as well as the jumbo-tron working to see yourself on the big screen. The majority of walking teams got creative and made up special t-shirts for their team members. It was fun to see the variety of ideas.

Definitely looking forward to participating next year and raising a lot more money! For more information about Autism Speaks, go to: