Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Inglewood

What Parents Should Know About Fentanyl (Accidental Exposures to Fentanyl)


Every parent should be worried about fentanyl. It’s showing up with increasing regularity in common street drugs. Unfortunately, the synthetic opioid is often missed with common street drugs because it’s a cheap way to increase the potency of other drugs. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than plain heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. In […]

4 Estafas de Facebook que Debe Conocer


La mayoría de nosotros pasamos una sorprendente cantidad de tiempo en Facebook. Nos encanta publicar sobre las cosas emocionantes que suceden en nuestras vidas, disfrutamos viendo las fotos que comparten nuestros seres queridos y, a menudo, lo tratamos como una línea interesante que brinda una forma legal de espiar la vida de los demás. Rara […]

How to Report a Missing Person in California


There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be. The problem becomes even worse when you are unable to contact them via a cell phone call. Many people who are in this situation mistakenly believe that their loved one must be missing for a […]

Riding Your Bicycle While Intoxicated in California


One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they take steps to make sure they don’t drive while drunk, they fail to realize that there are other things they can get into trouble for while intoxicated. A perfect example of this is someone who […]

Jaywalking in California


All of us have heard the term jaywalking, but few of us can say exactly what it is. According to the Legal Dictionary, the exact definition of jaywalking is the act of crossing a roadway when it is unlawful to do so. This includes crossing between intersections, as well as crossing at a crosswalk equipped […]

5 Things You Can Do to Save Gas While Driving


Gas prices have hit historical highs and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get much relief this summer. While there isn’t anything you can do that will lower the cost per gallon, you can alter your driving habits so that you get the maximum amount of mileage from each gallon you put into your […]

Penalties for Illegal Street Racing in California


Yes, the Fast and the Furious movie franchise made street racing look like a great way of generating some excitement on a Friday night, but before you gather a group of your friend together to see who can drive the fastest, you should know that street racing, drag racing, and other vehicular speed contests aren’t […]

How to Report a Crime in California If You Witness One

How to Report a Crime in California

It doesn’t matter if you’re the victim of a crime or if you have seen a crime take place. You should always report the situation to the police. Here’s how to go about doing just that. Don’t try to take matters into your own hands. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is attempting […]

Trick-or-Treat Safety


Finally! Halloween is here. Not only does that mean cooler weather, pumpkin spice coffee, and an excuse to snuggle up with a good book rather than going out, kids will tell you that it’s time for free candy. While kids love trick-or-treating, parents often have mixed feelings about the popular activity. Yes, it’s great to […]

California Ear Bud Laws


Earbuds are awesome. They provide you with a way to tune out all the noise connected to the world and lose yourself in music, white noise, audiobooks, and podcasts. The earbuds fit snugly into your ear so that you don’t have to worry about anyone being disturbed by what you’re listening to. What you might […]