Dublin Bail Bonds is a Safer Alternative

Dublin Bail Bonds

It does sound strange that the release of an accused criminal on bail could benefit the community, but it does. What a lot of people don’t realize is that the defendant can’t be a threat to the community in order to qualify for the option of bail. Another thing people don’t realize is that by using a bail bondsman, the financial responsibility of ensuring the defendant makes it to all of their court dates falls onto the bail agents instead of the community.

When someone is out on their own recognizance and misses their court date, the local police or sheriffs are responsible for bringing them back in to the court. Depending on how well the department is staffed they may go search for the defendants, costing tax-payers dollars, or they may simply wait for the defendant to get into trouble again. Does that sound like a good idea to you?

If a defendant uses a bail bonds company to be released from jail, the bail agents are responsible for making sure the defendant makes it to all of his/ her court dates. If one is missed the bail agent immediately begins to contact the defendant and make sure that he/ she is taken to the court at the bail company’s expense, not the taxpayer’s. This sounds better for the community, doesn’t it?

Before bail for a defendant can be set, a pretrial takes place to determine whether or not the defendant qualifies for bail. Under current federal laws, the defendant can be denied bail if; the crime was violent in nature, the maximum sentence for the crime is life imprisonment or death, a drug offense with a maximum offense of more than 10 years, the defendant is a repeat felon, the defendant poses a flight risk or is a danger to the community.

If someone falls into one of those categories, they can not be bailed out. This means someone who has been bailed out won’t be a threat to their community. If you don’t believe this you can rely on our Dublin Bail Bonds’ trustworthy bail agents to keep their clients in check and make sure the community is safe for everyone.

The vast majority of our bonds are approved with no collateral and perfect credit is not required. Most people don’t have perfect credit so why do most bonding companies require great credit? Co-signers with decent jobs and family members who feel confident that their loved one will make all of their court dates are more important to us.

Call us now at 800-793-2245 to get the bail process started today.

We’re Family Owned At Dublin Bail Bonds

Since our founding in 1987, Dublin Bail Bonds has been a family owned and operated company. We understand how important your family is to you and we’ll do our Dublin best to bail them out of jail as quickly as possible. We do our best to make this experience easy for our clients. We realize that bail can be needed at any time and so we make sure we’re always available.

We have over 37 bail bonds agents, all of whom are top notch bondsmen. Every year we retrain our agents to keep them at their Dublin best. This helps them answer all bail bonds questions you might have and allows them to bail your loved one out of jail quickly and easily.

We provide free consultations for all prospective clients, in person, over the phone or online. You can even be approved for a bail over the phone. We accept multiple payment methods, including most major credit cards for your convenience. Unlike most of our competitors, we won’t surprise you with hidden fees to try and take more money from you. That’s no way to help someone.

They’re called bail emergencies and emergencies come at any time, without warning. That is why our bail bonds agents are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means one of our 37 plus bail bondsmen will always be available to help you when you need it. On top of being available all day, every day, our bail agents are located all across California.

Being family owned is important to us, it helps us understand how important your situation is to you. It helps us work harder and faster than any other bail agency in California to get your loved out of jail.

Get the bail bonds help that you deserve by calling 800-793-2245 today.