Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Mojave

Off-roading in California’s State and National Parks


Off-roading isn’t just a lot of fun, it’s also a great way to see parts of California’s state and national parks you wouldn’t otherwise, get to see. Off-roading provides you with the means to visit more remote areas than the traditional roads take you to, while also allowing you to cover more ground than you […]

Unwritten Camping Rules to Remember

Bail Bonds

Camping is wonderful. Camping provides you with the means to connect to the earth and nature while also bonding with family and friends. The best thing about camping is all the great memories you collect during each camping trip. The next time you’re about to hit the woods for an epic camping trip, keep these […]

Legal Responsibilities Attached to Witnessing a Crime in California

Witnessing a crime

As you were walking your dog, you witnessed a hit and run. No one was hurt, but the fleeing car did do quite a bit of property damage. Suddenly you’re in the middle of a moral dilemma. Should you report the crime or should you pretend it didn’t happen and simply go home. While no […]

California Background Checks


Background checks are becoming routine. If you are interviewed for a job or fill in a rental application you can expect that the person handling the application will run a background check on you. Knowing that a background check is in the process always makes people curious about what kind of information the background check […]

You’ve Finally Graduated! Don’t Forget to be Smart!


It seems like you’ve been waiting your whole life to finish school. Many people consider the summer between high school and the time when they start college (or trade school, or simply start working full time) to be one of the most exciting and fun times of their life. While it’s okay to have fun […]

Failing to Properly Register Your Vehicle


To legally operate a car in the State of California, you need a few things. You need a valid driver’s license, you need to have the car properly insured, and the vehicle’s state registration needs to be complete. Both the insurance and registration can be expensive, especially when money is already tight. While most motorists […]

You Have Nothing to Worry about When It Comes to Bail


When you suddenly find yourself in the position of needing to bail either a friend or family member out of jail, you probably will not be all too happy about the situation. You will be concerned for your loved one being in jail, and you will not like the idea of needing to pay for […]

Tips for Finding a Safe Rental Property


While there are many perks connected to living in California, the ability to easily find rental properties isn’t one of them. While it’s possible that there are some areas in California where safe and affordable rental properties are available, those locations are very rare. Difficulty finding rental properties is an issue that plaques nearly all […]

Illegally Using a Handicap Placard in California


It’s so frustrating to drive all around a parking lot and not find any empty places to put your car other than a handful of spaces that are reserved for handicapped parking. All of us are tempted to slide into one of those spaces, especially when we only need the spot for a short time, […]

Property Crimes in California


While the term property crimes gets tossed around by the media, in California, you aren’t going to be charged with a “property crime.” The reason for this is because, in California, the phrase property crime is actually a blanket term that’s used to describe multiple crimes. The four most common property crimes in California are: […]