Category Archives: Victorville Bail Bonds

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Telecommuting to Work

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Telecommuting to Work

Work is something that we all know we have to do, but really don’t want to do. No one says that they want to spend a third of their lives at work. That doesn’t sound fun. Spending time away from family, and missing out on family events can be hard. It can be so difficult […]

What Happens When Someone Runs from the Police? The Penalties Get Much Worse

What Happens When Someone Runs from the Police? The Penalties Get Much Worse

Just about everyone has witnessed a police chase on television before. This is especially true for Los Angeles residents where police pursuits happen nearly every day of the week. A lot of people get excited to see a police pursuit, and think it is fun to watch the fleeing person eventually get what is coming […]

Stopping for School Buses

Stopping for School Buses

School is back in session once again and for students, that means that the fun of summer is over. For many adults, we assume nothing changes for us when the new school year starts, however that isn’t exactly the case. With the start of school comes additional traffic around campuses, and school buses make a […]

Should You Have Insurance?

Absolute Los Angeles Bail Bonds

When you grow up, you start to realize all the things you weren’t taught about in school. For example insurance. All insurance, auto, house, and life, are all big giant mysteries. Don’t worry about feeling like you’re the only one who doesn’t understand how it works, a lot of people don’t. We don’t learn about […]

Fight Droughts Save Water

Fight Droughts Save Water

If you live in the state of California then you know that rain is an uncommon act of Mother Nature. This lack of precipitation in the state results in what is commonly known as a drought. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a drought is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall that results in […]

Thwarted by a Taco

Thwarted by a Taco

A day of fun could have ended in tragedy had it not been for a quick-thinking mom who wasn’t afraid to use unorthodox methods to protect herself from a pseudo cop. After spending the entire day at a local water park, a family decided that the best way to treat themselves was stopping at a […]

How To Spot A Fake Cop

Tips for Identifying Pseudo Cops

Police officers are given an immense amount of power and they play an integral role in maintaining the public’s safety. Due to this power, a lot of people try and impersonate police officers. One of the biggest fear many people have is not knowing the real cops from the fake cops. The fact that the […]

How Safe Is Your Home While On Vacation

How Safe Is Your Home While On Vacation

Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into isn’t. There are several things you can do to keep your home safe while you’re having a good time. Talk to Your Neighbors/Friends An abandoned house is one that attracts burglars. You want there to […]

The Call You Never Want to Make

The Call You Never Want to Make

Whenever you have to call 911, it’s never a good thing. No one ever calls 911 to celebrate a victory, or graduation. When you call 911, it’s usually because things have taken a turn for the worst and the situation is out of your control. When you dial 911, you aren’t just calling the police. […]

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Certain things in life are cute, like baby animals. Giving someone a sentimental, thinking of you, gift or complimenting someone’s outfit or attitude is cute. You know what isn’t cute? Abuse, threats and stalking. These acts are harassment. To be more precise, those actions fall under civil harassment. Civil harassment goes beyond just being rude […]