Most Expensive States for Groceries in 2024


Currently, the average US household spends $270.21 on their weekly groceries, with a four-person household spending even more at $315.22 weekly, according to a HelpAdvisor analysis of U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey data. However, these costs differ by state significantly. Here, we’ll take a look at the most and least expensive states for groceries in 2024, assuming trends from the HelpAdvisor analysis continue:

1. California

In California, the average weekly grocery spending is $297.72. Cities like Riverside and San Francisco are even higher at $300.50 and $298.44, respectively.

2. Nevada

While Nevada isn’t always known for its high cost of living, grocery spending here is still some of the highest in the country at $294.76 per week.

3. Mississippi

It might come as a surprise, but Mississippi rounds out the top three most expensive states for groceries at $290.64 on an average weekly basis.

4. Washington

Another West Coast state tops the most expensive list, with Washington’s weekly grocery spending averaging $287.67. Part of that’s driven by Seattle’s weekly grocery spending of $289.23, exceeding that in cities like New York and Boston.

5. Florida

While Florida ranks fifth in the country with the average weekly grocery spending at $287.27, Miami tops the list of cities that spend the most on groceries, with a weekly spend of $327.89.


Least Expensive States for Groceries in 2024

1. Wisconsin

If you want to find the least expensive groceries in the nation, look no further than The Badger State. The weekly grocery spend here averages $221.46.

2. Iowa

Iowa follows the Midwest trend of low grocery costs, with an average weekly spend of $227.32, the second lowest in the nation.

3. Nebraska

In The Cornhusker State, food costs are relatively low compared to the rest of the country. The average grocery spend is $235.12 per week in Nebraska.

4. Michigan

Another Midwest state makes this list of lowest household spend on groceries, with Michiganders averaging $236.38 per week.

5. Indiana

Lastly, Indiana food shoppers find themselves spending $239.11 on average during their weekly trips to the store, which is still around $31 less than the national average.

