Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Downtown Los Angeles

Keep Your Car Running Smoothly This Summer


For many of us, the long days of summer means a chance to take long and scenic road trips. We use the time to drive to beaches, visit out-of-the-way hiking trails, and drive to distant relative’s homes for long weekends. We love the sun and warm weather but seldom stop to think about the toll […]

American TikTokers: Navigating the Legal Landscape


TikTok, a popular short-form video-sharing platform, has become a global phenomenon, with millions of users worldwide, including a significant number in the United States. As the platform’s reach and influence continue to grow, so too does the need to understand the legal implications surrounding its use, particularly for Americans. Content Regulations TikTok operates under a […]

The Legal Ins and Outs of Catfishing


Catfishing isn’t the art of catching the bottom-dwelling fish that taste greatly fried. Catfishing actually refers to the act of using a false social network profile that allows you to pretend to be someone you’re not. This differs from a ghostwriter creating an account for their writing profile because the catfisher’s account exists purely for […]

What Is California’s Shelter in Place Order?

California shelter in place order

Over the last few weeks and months, Californians have seen a drastic change in their lifestyle, just like millions of others across the world. The pandemic caused by the COVID-19 Virus, more commonly referred to as the Coronavirus, has forced closures of businesses all over the state, and the world at large. As the scale […]

What Counts as Looting in California?

What counts as looting in california

Whenever an emergency strikes, people are bound to panic. This is only natural as systems that people have been able to rely on for their day to day lives begin to shut down. This is exactly what is happening as the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic spreads across the world. In response to this virus, many non-essential […]

A Guide to Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner


Co-signing a bail bond can be a daunting task, especially when it involves a close friend or relative. It is a huge responsibility that should not be taken lightly. As a cosigner, you are essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant fails to make payments, skips court, or violates any terms of their release that […]

How to Deal with an Arrest

how to post bail in los angeles

A lot of people pride themselves on knowing exactly what they need and when they need to do it. By knowing what steps need to be taken next, people are better able to prepare for each one. This also enables a person to relax since they know what to expect. While this is nice, there […]

What Counts as Hit and Run in California?

California Hit and Run Laws

  Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more tolerable than dealing with a car accident. Car accidents can range anywhere from a mild fender bender, to full-on wrecks. At the low end of the spectrum, car accidents are a nuisance, at the […]

What Should a Driver Do After Hitting an Animal?

hitting an animal what to do

Most pet owners care deeply about their furry little companions. To them, pets are more than just animals, they are a part of the family. Pet owners, the good ones anyway, would do anything for their furry companions in order to keep them safe and happy. People love their pets. Unfortunately, not every pet, or […]

How Serious Is a Public Intoxication Charge in California?


Everyone knows that they can get into serious trouble when it comes to drinking and driving in California, but what some don’t realize is that even if you decide to walk home after a night of heavy drinking you can still get into trouble with the law. If the police take an interest in you […]