Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Inglewood

Can You Go to Jail for Online Scams?


If you’re wondering if you can go to jail for instigating an online scam, the answer is yes. If your wondering if you will go to jail for an online scam you’ve run, the answer isn’t as clear. The first thing you need to understand is that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, if you’re […]

Criminal Trespassing in California


When you read through California Penal Code Section 602 you’ll learn that it’s illegal to come onto someone’s property without the owner’s permission. While this doesn’t mean you’ll face criminal charges each time you have to use someone’s driveway to turn around or when you stop in at a neighbor’s home to inquire about a […]

Keep Your Car Running Smoothly This Summer


For many of us, the long days of summer means a chance to take long and scenic road trips. We use the time to drive to beaches, visit out-of-the-way hiking trails, and drive to distant relative’s homes for long weekends. We love the sun and warm weather but seldom stop to think about the toll […]

Tips for Staying Safe While Camping


Camping is a great way to enjoy both the fantastic summer weather and breathtaking beauty California has to offer. The great thing about camping is that it’s also affordable and usually something you can do at the spur of the moment. The key to getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of your camping adventure […]

Prepare Your Pets for Fireworks


The Fourth of July is right around the corner which means people are going to set off fireworks. Even if you have no intention of being around fireworks, you need to take steps to protect your pets from them. Don’t assume that just because your neighbors have never set off fireworks in the past that […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe this Summer


Summer is finally here which means long days and lots of freedom for your kids. While you want your kids to have a great time and make lots of good memories this summer, you also want them to stay safe. The good news is that it’s possible to do both. Preventing Heat Stroke One of […]

Denying a Dog Entrance to Your Establishment? Think Again

As a business owner, you might think that you have the right to say whether dogs are allowed to enter, but the law often has a different opinion. This is something one restaurant owner discovered the hard way. A Sign is Ignored The evening was going smoothly in the Seafood World restaurant. The food tasted […]

What Counts as Looting in California?

What counts as looting in california

Whenever an emergency strikes, people are bound to panic. This is only natural as systems that people have been able to rely on for their day to day lives begin to shut down. This is exactly what is happening as the COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic spreads across the world. In response to this virus, many non-essential […]

Can You Get Into Trouble for Letting Your Kid Pee in Public?

Can your kid pee in public

Experienced parents all know that raising children is no easy task. A parent never really knows how their child is going to behave at any given moment. This is especially true for youngsters. Their moods and needs can change from moment to moment and no matter how hard a parent may try to prepare, they […]

Could California Traffic Tickets Be Getting Cheaper?

absolute bail bonds traffic tickets

Every driver knows that whenever they drive over the posted speed limit of a road, they risk getting a speeding ticket. This is just one of several different types of traffic citations that a person could receive for doing something they shouldn’t while driving. While the fines on these tickets may start out small, they […]