Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in Koreatown

What Parents Should Know About Fentanyl (Accidental Exposures to Fentanyl)


Every parent should be worried about fentanyl. It’s showing up with increasing regularity in common street drugs. Unfortunately, the synthetic opioid is often missed with common street drugs because it’s a cheap way to increase the potency of other drugs. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than plain heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. In […]

What Most People Are Arrested for in California


There are many different crimes a person can be charged with. Interestingly, there are some charges that no one ever seems to be charged with and other charges that the California courts handle every single day. Here are the crimes that most people are arrested for. Drug Related Charges You could face many different types […]

How to Report a Missing Person in California


There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be. The problem becomes even worse when you are unable to contact them via a cell phone call. Many people who are in this situation mistakenly believe that their loved one must be missing for a […]

Riding Your Bicycle While Intoxicated in California


One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they take steps to make sure they don’t drive while drunk, they fail to realize that there are other things they can get into trouble for while intoxicated. A perfect example of this is someone who […]

How to Report a Crime in California If You Witness One

How to Report a Crime in California

It doesn’t matter if you’re the victim of a crime or if you have seen a crime take place. You should always report the situation to the police. Here’s how to go about doing just that. Don’t try to take matters into your own hands. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is attempting […]

The Difference Between a State and Federal Warrant


Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given them permission to do so, or if they’ve gone through the correct legal channels and acquired a warrant. The same is true when it comes to arrests. While there are some exceptions, such as drunk […]

The Legal Ins and Outs of Catfishing


Catfishing isn’t the art of catching the bottom-dwelling fish that taste greatly fried. Catfishing actually refers to the act of using a false social network profile that allows you to pretend to be someone you’re not. This differs from a ghostwriter creating an account for their writing profile because the catfisher’s account exists purely for […]

Oops, I Opened my Neighbor’s Mail!!


The postal service isn’t infallible. They’re prone to making human mistakes. One of the most common mistakes the postal service does is occasionally putting your neighbor’s mail in your mailbox. Most of us don’t really look at the mail before we open it. Since it’s in our mailbox, we automatically assume it’s for us. As […]

3 Common California Felonies


The state and federal law books are full of felonies, but court officers, lawyers, and police officers will quickly tell you that some felonies are common while there are others they’ve never encountered. Here is a list of the most common felony arrests and convictions. Felony Drug Crimes There are so many different drug-related felonies […]

California Restraining Orders

absolute bail bonds california restraining orders

Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they are near. In some cases, just putting some distance between that other person is enough to get them to leave the other alone. Unfortunately, not everyone can take the hint. Sometimes the person continues to […]