Category Archives: Absolute Bail Bonds in West Los Angeles

Is It Too Hot for Your Dog?

absolute bail bonds

As the weather warms up, people begin to venture outside more and more. At least until it becomes too hot, then people tend to hide out indoors. Everyone likes warm weather because it allows them to go outside. However, if things warms up too much, people would rather avoid the heat. Still, some people don’t […]

People Do What Before Getting Into Public Pools?

Pool safety

With the weather quickly heating up, many people are starting to pull their swimsuits out from their winter hiding spots. With California’s thousands of miles of coastline, there are plenty of places to go to the beach. However, the beach isn’t for everyone. Some people prefer to cool off without having to worry about sand […]

Can You Believe Teachers Have to Do This?

are teachers underpaid

Teachers arguably have one of the most important jobs out there. Without teachers, knowledge wouldn’t be shared and kids would likely become adults without having enough knowledge to get very far. Unfortunately, despite their importance, teachers are often notoriously under paid. They are often so underpaid, that most TV shows will make a joke about […]

Why Sharing Your Summer Plans On Social Media Is a Bad Idea

As the weather begins to warm up and chase away the cold winds of winter, people begin to emerge from their hiding places of warmth and safety. Spring allows people to venture outside once again and enjoy some fresh air. The season signals the end of winter and heralds in the warmer months of summer. […]

Leaving Kids Alone in a Car Isn’t as Safe as You Might Think

leaving kids in car

Winter has come and gone, giving way to spring. With spring comes warmer weather as we head closer to summer. While many Californians are excited for the warmer temperatures and bright sunshine, it is important to remember that these temperatures can be dangerous. Sometimes when people are driving around town running errands, they have to […]

California Is Facing a Different Kind of Drought Now

Earthquake tips

The state of California has been in a drought for quite a while. Yes, this last winter brought a lot of rain with it, ending the actual drought, but there is another drought that the state is facing. California has not had a large earthquake, 6.0 or higher, since Napa had one in 2014. The […]

Who Is Liable If a Minor Drinks at a Party?

Drinking laws in california

From time to time, people get adventurous and decide that they want to throw a party at their home. Maybe they haven’t seen their friends and family members in a while, or they have some big event to celebrate, whatever the reason, they want everyone there. Hosting a party is no easy undertaking. Figuring out […]

San Francisco’s Fight against E-Cigs

electronic cigarettes

Most people recognize the fact that smoking is bad for you. Repeatedly breathing in smoke can severely damage a person’s lungs and lead to numerous health problems later in life. In addition, nicotine, which can be found in all cigarettes, is extremely addictive. This leads to a person continuing to smoke, despite the obvious health […]

What Happens to Parents Wrongfully Accused of Child Abuse?

Reporting false crimes

Raising kids is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and hard work. Children can be unruly as they grow. They test boundaries and like to see what they can get away with. This can lead to standoffs between child and parent, which is a difficult encounter depending on the age of child. Arguing […]

Don’t Get a DUI on Saint Patrick’s Day

drinking and driving

Saint Patrick’s Day is almost here, and people all over the country are making plans to go out and party. This green holiday is one of the biggest of the year when it comes to drinking. For the most part that isn’t much of a problem. However, there are some people out there who make […]