Monthly Archives: September 2018

Who is Legally Responsible For A Drunk Driver

Whose Legally Responsible For A Drunk Driver

Bar and restaurant owners already know that if one of their patrons leaves their establishment and injures someone in drunk driving accident, the owner could be facing serious financial repercussions in the form of a lawsuit. The idea is that the bar owner shouldn’t have overserved the driver, and once they did, they should have […]

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked stranger breaks into your home in the middle of the night and steals your personal belongings while you sleep. It could also be that the burglar wears all black and sneakily climbs through a window […]

Do You “Owe” the “IRS?”

Do You “Owe” the “IRS?”

There are a lot of good people out there who do things like following the rules and paying their taxes. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of bad people out there too. Many of these bad people like to take advantage of those good people, and abuse their trusting or concerned nature. That is why […]

Drinking and Driving on Halloween

Drinking and Driving on Halloween

Summer came and went and we are now headed into fall. This means that Halloween is almost here! For kids, this means trick-or-treating to get as much candy as they can possibly carry. For adults, it means going out to parties to have a good time. If there is alcohol at these parties, than a […]

Creating an Emergency Kit for the Great Shakeout

Creating an Emergency Kit for the Great Shakeout

October 18th of this year will be the Great Shakeout. It is a day where schools and companies all over the world practice what they should do in the event of an earthquake. It is an opportunity for people to prepare for an emergency that can happen at any time without any warning. That is […]

Did Your Mail Get Stolen?

Did Your Mail Get Stolen?

Even in today’s digital world, there is still a high demand for physical shipping. After all, how else would people be able to get something that they ordered online? This means that mail is still a pretty big deal, even if it may not seem like. Something that at first seems like no big deal, […]

California Limits Plastic Straws

California Limits Plastic Straws

A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was very controversial with many opponents of the bill upset at the loss of the flimsy plastic items. However, as time moved on, people adapted and got used to the new change. The success of this […]

Show Some Compassion for Others

Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

Far too often, we see nothing but bad and depressing stories on the news. Trying to stay in the know can get hard to stomach at times. That is why it is always a pleasant surprise to see a nice story making headlines all over the place. A perfect example of this comes from a […]

Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over or Slow Down

Ask anyone, and they will tell you that driving on the freeway is not quite the same as driving on surface streets. On freeways, cars drive a lot faster and there is very little stop and go, unless of course there is a bit of traffic. Freeways are fast moving environments, and they are not […]

Stopping for School Buses

Stopping for School Buses

School is back in session once again and for students, that means that the fun of summer is over. For many adults, we assume nothing changes for us when the new school year starts, however that isn’t exactly the case. With the start of school comes additional traffic around campuses, and school buses make a […]